THE LONE SURVIVOR OF A DECEMBER 28TH PLANE CRASH IN LAFAYETTE WAS RELEASED FROM OUR LADY OF LOURDES REGIONAL MEDICAL… Read the rest of the story
FUNERAL SERVICES WILL BE HELD TOMORROW FOR LAFAYETTE CITY GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY LEADERE AL E. THEIRRY. HE WAS APPOINTED HEAD… Read the rest of the story
THE LAFAYETTE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE AND ANIMAL CONTROL SEIZED MORE THAN FIFTY DOGS FROM A HOME IN THE ONE HUNDRED… Read the rest of the story
LAST NIGHT THE LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD POSTPONED A PLAN TO PUT PORTABLE CLASSROOMS AT SOUTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL. THE BOARD… Read the rest of the story
MARDI GRAS PARADES KICK OFF THIS WEEKEND, WHICH MEANS BARRICADES ARE GOING UP ALONG JOHNSTON STREET IN LAFAYETTE. STARTING TOMORROW… Read the rest of the story