A FORMER LAFAYETTE PROSECUTOR, WHO WAS CONVICTED FOR ACCEPTING BRIBES FROM DRUNK DRIVING SUSPECTS IN EXCHANGE FOR PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT, HAS… Read the rest of the story
THREE HOMES IN YOUNGSVILLE FLOODED BECAUSE OF THE RECENT RAINS. MAYOR KEN RITTER, AT A NEWS CONFERENCE YESTERDAY, CALLED ON… Read the rest of the story
THE SEARCH CONTINUES FOR AN INMATE FROM THE LAFAYETTE PARISH CORRECTIONAL CENTER WHO ESCAPED WHILE WORKING A DETAIL ON WILLOW… Read the rest of the story
THE ATTORNEY FOR LAFAYETTE CITY MARSHAL BRIAN POPE WAS INDICTED WEDNESDAY FOR PERJURY. 54-YEAR-OLD CHARLES K. MIDDLETON IS ACCUSED OF… Read the rest of the story
A GRAND JURY INDICTED LAFAYETTE CITY MARSHAL BRIAN POPE YESTERDAY ON FIVE COUNTS OF MALFEASANCE IN OFFICE AND TWO COUNTS… Read the rest of the story