NEARLY TWENTY CHILDREN ARE SAFE AFTER THEY WERE CAUGHT IN A THUNDERSTORM AND STRANDED ON THE VERMILLION RIVER. JEFF HORCHAK… Read the rest of the story
60-YEAR-OLD SOHAIL RANA OF LAFAYETTE HAS PLEADED GUILTY TO MAKING THREATS TO THE LAFAYETTE OFFICE OF CONGRESSMAN CLAY HIGGINS. JEFF… Read the rest of the story
LAFAYETTE POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING THE DEATH OF A MAN AT THE HOLY FAMILY APARTMENTS ON LOUISIANA AVENUE. THE BODY OF… Read the rest of the story
A 34-YEAR-OLD WOMAN IS FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE AFTER A SHOOTING IN LAFAYETTE ON TUESDAY. JEFF HORCHAK REPORTS. VOICER… Read the rest of the story
JEFF HORCHAK HAS NEW INFORMATION ON A DOMESTIC SHOOTING THAT HAPPENED IN LAFAYETTE ON TUESDAY. VOICER F :19 … Read the rest of the story