A HIGH SPEED CHASE INVOLVING MULTIPLE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES BEGAN IN ABBEVILLE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON AND ENDED WITH A CRASH AT… Read the rest of the story
OUR LADY OF LOURDES REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER HAS ANNOUNCED ITS INTENTIONS OF PURCHASING THE WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL. THE SALE… Read the rest of the story
AN ALLEGED CHILD PREDATOR FROM LAFAYETTE WHO WAS WANTED BY THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE WAS CAPTURED IN RAPIDES PARISH. … Read the rest of the story
THE C-E-O OF THE LAFAYETTE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HAS RESIGNED. GEOFF DYER IS LEAVING TO TAKE A JOB WITH A… Read the rest of the story
FORMER NEW YORK MAYOR RUDY GIULIANI WAS IN LAFAYETTE YESTERDAY CAMPAIGNING FOR THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CANDIDATE JOSH GUILLORY. GIULIANA, WHOSE… Read the rest of the story