KAJN Jesus FM 102.9

Brooke Thompson Adventures & Articles

Brooke loves writing so we are sharing a link below for her website / blog she has created that you can follow to keep up to date with her.



This is very personal spillings of my heart, but this is for a weary heart that is in a season of waiting. Hope is alive and well. Don’t lose hope dear one.


Winter brings a bitter cold at times, and it can be hard to feel warm. The warmth inside can vanish and leave instead a void. Dreary and dark, winter drags on. All around, growth ceases and color fades. Frozen, time stands still. All progress seems to halt. Hopelessness can overtake, and happy memories fade. The winter drags on with no sign of stopping, and it can be easy to call darkness friend. Cold inside with a lack of light, why does the sun delay coming and leave again so soon? But wait…no winter has ever lasted forever. No, spring always jumps into view just in time. As you hide in the winter, let your eyes watch for spring. As snow falls gently, let its brightness delight your senses and breathe hope. Once the snow melts, flowers bloom. Everything comes alive in spring. Awake, O sleeper, and see the beauty of spring. Feel the warmth of the sun beckoning life again. The sun stays longer, and smells bring you joy. Hearts jump alive at the growth in spring. Oh, weary soul in winter, spring is on the way. Don’t lose hope. Don’t let darkness win. Wait, wait for the Creator’s loving design in spring to awaken you again.









“Something Happened to Me”



Where to begin…

I came out of this crazy, beautiful, experience with so much. So many laughs, so many tears (from joy and from being overwhelmed), so many pages read, so many words spoken, and so many revelations that changed my view of God, myself, and this world we live in.

I never expected to be changed so inwardly by doing something so external – soaking in the Word of God. But God’s word cannot help but reveal in a person their need for God Himself. Their reaction to this revelation is what leads people onto two different paths – the only paths possible to follow. One – following in “the Way.” Walking with God. Two – following “self.” Walking as best a person figures they can.

Now God’s word blatantly confronts a person with the decision to choose. Choose which path you will walk in. The steps are of your own accord, but you have the power to make your own choice. Some people understand their complete desolation and need for God and refuse to lay down “self.” “Am I not fit to be my own god?” they say. “I can walk quite well on my own, thank you.” This decision eventually leads to a realization…no person can take the place of God Himself, for He is more glorious and powerful than any other. He is absolute purity, and He is life itself. All life stems from Him and has since the very beginning. While for some a fear of losing their control over their life leads them to run from God, others find that they want to run to God. There can be no response in their mind but to fall at the feet of the Creator of Life, the Lover of their Soul, the Restorer and Redeemer.

As I studied God’s Word, the junk that had cluttered my mind and heart rose as some sort of giant monster out to devour my very identity. How could you approach such a God as this? Why do you think you can be a part of a story so glorious and wonderful? You’re not worthy of Him. The lies had been plaguing my life for a while, but I had grown accustomed to letting them sit nicely on the shelf of my mind and heart. But I dug into His story. I read of what He had done and thus, saw who He actually is. This is no mere fairytale. This is no Sunday school story. This is not someone else’s story. No, this became part of my story. Not that it is really about me. In reality, it is and always has been all about God. Yet, I saw how I was invited into the story with Him. See, while the Bible is full of events that have happened, it also promises a beautiful future full of events yet to occur. The story started in the Bible has not ended. It is continuous…and it will be eternal! Rightfully so, considering God Himself is eternal.

Some when confronted with their “inner monster” feel shame and condemnation. They resolve to find and cover all of the things not deemed “good” or “right” or “desirable.” But there is another option. Yes, in fact, God provided the other option.


Yes…there is a restoration that can happen when those deepest and most broken parts of us rise to the surface. But it never happens by manipulation or on accident. It takes the humility to recognize those things in us that were not intended to exist and to commit to ridding the “self” out of us. This seems a bit irrational, I know. But a “self” focus will always create a comfortable environment for sin and for the brokenness in us to continue to choke us and distort the real us – the us that God knows best. Since God is our Creator, he knows us the best. This is why we are in need of Him to experience actual and radical restoration from the inside out.


After those things come to the surface, and we choose to bring them to the Lord…freedom comes! For me, I have found deep healing in the last several months because God met me in the midst of digging up old memories and bad habits that had been slowly devouring my joy, peace, and confidence. I had begun to doubt my value and the Lord Himself. It was easy to tell people about God’s goodness and love for them, but it was much harder to believe for myself. But my feelings hadn’t changed God. He is ever constant though I often swarm with emotion and thought feeling tossed about and dizzy.

After freedom comes the ability to share your story. That’s why I’m writing this! God can bring deep healing and restoration in you just as he did in me! All you have to do is ask. Get real. Be vulnerable with God and in humility, approach Him with authenticity not needing to fear anything at all. I also recommend finding a solid and God-loving and God-fearing community to surround yourself with. Yeah, you can have friends with different backgrounds, but if you want to live up to who you’re called to be in Christ, you need deep connections with people runing in the same direction as you are. For me, developing in healthy relationships and having accountability was a large part of what gave me confidence to let go and embrace freedom, restoration, and my real identity instead of the pain and doubt I had been trying to carry. So, open up to people when you feel the peace and direction by the Holy Spirit to. It is absolutely life-changing. Reach to me if you feel the need to.

Also, I would love to hear if this meant something to you. It’s not easy to be vulnerable, but it is worth it. That’s why I decided to share all of these personal ramblings with people.

This is just a small glimpse of what the BSN meant to me and helped me to learn. Most of all, the Lord did a huge thing in me from the inside out. Literally, people at home are telling me even my voice sounds different now. I feel more confidence than before, and I know God’s given me a voice in order to use it for something good. Here’s to doing that as best I know how.

Much love friends!  – <3 Brooke of Love


https://brookethompson96.wixsite.com/brookeoflove?fbclid=IwAR0QFB40wjOSpnme4hzgH14AWJ1SMt_PcORvzOov9aMe_f-8doAI32Fi9xI (CLICK HERE)