LAFAYETTE POLICE ARE LOOKING FOR A MAN CHARGED WITH FIRST DEGREE MURDER WHO WAS MISTAKENLY RELEASED FROM JAIL ON NOVEMBER… Read the rest of the story
THERE WERE THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY NEW CASES OF COVID-NINETEEN IN YESTERDAY’S REPORT FROM THE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. … Read the rest of the story
THERE WERE ALMOST FOUR THOUSAND NEW CASES OF COVID-NINETEEN YESTERDAY. BUT THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REPORTS THAT SOME OF… Read the rest of the story
THERE ARE NOT NEARLY AS MANY NEW COVID-NINETEEN CASES TODAY AS THERE HAS BEEN OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS. AFTER… Read the rest of the story
THE ACTIVIST GROUP, VILLAGE THREE-THREE-SEVEN, HAS ANNOUNCED THEY ARE LAUNCHING A RECALL PETITION OF THE GOVERNOR. THE GROUP HAS BEEN… Read the rest of the story