KAJN Jesus FM 102.9

Katherine Price Ministries

Mail to:
925 S. Lewis St. #136
New Iberia, La. 70560


Contact: kpriceministries@gmail.com



Meet Katherine

Being saved since 1982 Katherine Price has truly developed into a mighty women of God.  Her love for God is so very contagious.  God has truly graced Katherine with the gift and the anointing to preach and teach His word by the power and unction of the Holy Spirit.  She always says it is the Holy Spirit who is the teacher.  Therefore; by this being true there is so much revelation, clarity and understanding for the listeners.  As she is led; she uses many examples and stories related to the text that really helps you to understand and really get it.  Katherine has a true love and excitement for the word and that is what helps it to come alive for the listener.  

Katherine gave her life to the Lord Jesus at the tender age of 12 years old.  She was invited to a church bon fire; the people where so nice.  The following few days she went to their Wednesday night service.  The message was electrifying and different.  Towards the end; the pastor gave the invitation to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  He gave an altar call; although Katherine went she doesn’t even remember walking up.  As she knelt their and prayed the prayer of salvation she cried and cried saying the words with all her heart.  Though she had always been a church goer with her grandmother; that was the first time she had ever heard the invitation to accept Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.  That day was a true transformation and new love was formed.  Jesus literally was Katherine’s first love.  Two days later she went to a revival with the pastor and his wife.  They walked her to the altar again; the wife explained to her that she needed be sanctified so that the Holy Spirit could come in.   At the altar she repeated the prayers and told the Lord to cleanse her.  As she spoke these words repeated with a broken heart something else was happening; though she was crying; her heart was being purged; and not long after that she began speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gave her the utterance.  

Katherine was saved in The Church of God of Prophecy.  She was discipled by her pastor and his wife; Julian and Patricia Womack.  These people have a lot to do with who she is in God.  Katherine has served in many facets of ministry such as pastor, evangelist, teacher; youth leader and choir director.  She flows in the true apostolic anointing.  Her true purpose is to spread God’s word all over the world and to bring the hearts of the people back to God in true holiness and righteousness.  Katherine messages are always laced with a prophetic tone; followed by manifestations of healings, sign and wonders.  She is called to operate in the five fold ministry.  

Katherine is a proud mother of two beautiful sons; Ellejee’ and Eleazar.  Ages 26 and 20.  She also has a beautiful granddaughter named Jileyla 1 1/2 years old.  She is the 2nd child of 5 siblings.  Katherine Price is truly a prophetic voice for the end times.  She is called to make a global impact.  So keep your eyes and ears opened for this rising vessel in the days, months, and years to come.  May Godpeed her for all she does for His people; for her labor is not in vain in Christ Jesus.